Personal Profile
Finance Application Independent Developer
Finance Application Independent Developer
- De-Fi
- caver.js
- web3.js
- Compliance DT
- Financial DT
- AutoML
- MLOps
- Web Scrapping Engine
- S3
- Lambda
- EC2
- Network Architecture
- Database(MYsql)
2022.02.07 -
- Hybrid-Stable Coin & Protocol Owned Liquidity(POL)
dAPP Front-end Development
2019.05.03 - 2022.02.28
- Monitoring key regulatory developments and offering advice and
guidance to other business units as required
- Real Time Transaction Monitoring DT
2018.01.05 - 2019.05.02
- Corporate and consumer loans, FX operations
2017.03.02 - 2017. 05. 31
- Network architecture design specially Firewall
2016. 06 - 2016. 10
- PM of Finance Datamining project
- Data Mining Using the Bank of Korea ECOS API
2016. 01. 04 - 2016. 01. 29
- Creating a home page of a startup business and producing related videos
2015. 08. 03 - 2015. 08. 28
- Target consumer analysis and Market research for Application Launching
2017. 02 -
- Predicting ETF investment returns and volatility using fuzzy theory
2016. 06 - 2016. 10
- Finance data mining using The Bank of Korea's ECOS API
2016. 03 - 2016. 06
2015. 09 - 2015. 12
2015. 03 - 2015. 08
2011. 03 - 2017. 08
2019. 04 - 2019.06
우리은행 개인영업전략부
2017. 07 - 2018. 05
2016. 07. 04 - 2016. 12. 31
FSC Fintech Support Center
2016. 03 - 2016. 05
2014. 09 - 2017. 01
Dongguk University